This page documents changes made to the Economic Development Tool since the initial release in the summer of 2024.
- Updated Business Growth data to include the 2022 Business Dynamics Statistics release.
- FCC estimates have been updated to use the June 2024 National Broadband Map release.
- American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates have been updated from the 2022 vintage to the 2023 vintage. For metrics showing 5-year changes, the earlier comparison vintage has been updated from 2017 to 2018.
2024-10-11 updates for Version 2
- Enable selection of multiple primary counties
- Make the state and U.S. comparisons optional
- Add an optional comparison that allows users to select all counties of a given urbanization level
- Allow users to download the underlying data for each chart using a “Download data” button
- Allow users to view the exact figures within each line chart by hovering over the desired line at a given year
- Expand the “Employment by industry” chart from the top 5 industries to the top 10
- Add geographic comparisons to the “Share of employment by sector” chart
- Change the chart type of the “Average compensation per worker” chart from a bar chart with data from 2022 to a line chart with data from 2017-2022
- Change the chart type of the “Real GDP per worker” chart from a bar chart with data from 2022 to a line chart with data from 2017-2022
- Add the counts of computer and math workers in each geography to the bar chart labels in the “Tech employment” chart
- Add an “Employment by occupation” chart to the Workforce section
- Add a “Venture capital per capita” chart to the Entrepreneurship section
- Add a “Business applications” chart to the Entrepreneurship section
- Add a “Cost-burdened renters” chart to the Infrastructure section
- Add a “Cost-burdened owners” chart to the Infrastructure section
- Add a “Housing permits” chart to the Infrastructure section
- Add a “Quality of life” chart to the Infrastructure section
- Remove the “Share of employment in tradable services” chart, as this information is now in the “Share of employment by sector” chart
- Remove the “Race and ethnicity (race alone)” chart, which only counts people who identified with just one race and are not Hispanic or Latino
- Add the number of venture capital-backed businesses from 2019-23 to the “Key statistics” of the Entrepreneurship section
- Add the number of patents granted from 2014-23 to the “Key statistics” of the Entrepreneurship section
- Update data for the “Broadband service” chart with the latest release (Dec. 2023) of FCC Broadband Data Collection data